
We’re looking for editors...maybe that’s you? Let us tell you a little bit what we do, and what we’re looking for.

If it seems like something you’d be interested in send an email to hello@every.to with “Edit with Every” in the subject line. Give us a resume and some samples of your work, and we’ll take things from there!

We’re friendly we promise :)

What is Every

Every is a subscription newsletter that publishes great long form writing from interesting thinkers in technology. We’re growing quickly: we’ve been around for about 2 years, have 40,000+ subscribers, and 2,500+ paying subscribers. You can find coverage about us in Axios, Digiday, and Business Insider.

We want to build an institution in business writing, and to do so with a non-traditional supply of writers: our writers are generally non-professional, and instead are operators in the spaces that we write about.

We write essays, interviews, and analysis on productivity, business strategy, investing, crypto, and the creator economy. Each piece we write either helps the reader see the world in a new way, or get better at their job (or both.)

We’re structured as a writer collective which is a bit different from other kinds of media companies.

What is a Writer Collective?

Right now, writers have to choose: write for a media company, or start a Substack. A writer collective aims to blend the best of both worlds.

On the media company side we offer writers:

On the Substack-like side we offer: